Thursday, May 6, 2010

Read/Write binary data with Scala

In my project to communicate between my notebook and an Arduino over XBees I need to send binary commands to the XBee. The protocol is defined approx. like this: every packet start with 0x7E and then two bytes containing the length of the packed then the payload and afterwards a checksum.
So I decided to write a little library that allows me to parse and compose these commands in a natural way. The parsing should use pattern matching.

To define a structure use something like this:

val myPattern = <<(byte, integer, integer, byte)>>

('<<' is a imported function, the '>>' is just decoration, that returns itself)

then you can use

val bytes: Seq[Byte] = myPattern(12, 33321, 24432, 0)

to generate a binary representation (i.e 0x12, 0x00, 0x00,  0x82, 0x29, ...). To a byte sequence use

bytes match {
case myPattern((a,b,c,d), rest) =>
a should be(12)
b should be(33321)
c should be(24432)
d should be(0)
rest should be(Nil)

The variable "Rest" in the example will contain everything in the Seq[Byte] after the matched sequence.

It also allows to check for fixed values (in the example above 0x7E in the first byte):

val myPattern2 = <<(fix_byte(0x7E), integer, integer, byte) drop1
myPattern2(1234, 4321, 12) //will be 0x7E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0xD2

And you can map a pattern to some class:

case class Color(red: Byte, green: Byte, blue: Byte)

val rgbPattern = <<(byte, byte, byte)>>>(
(c: Color) => (,,,
t => Some(Color(t._1, t._2, t._3))

But what makes it really powerful is the ability to nest those patterns

val colorfulPattern = <<(fix_byte(0x7E), rgbPattern, rgbPattern, integer) drop1
val data = (0x7E :: 33 :: 21 :: 11 :: 0 :: 100 :: 12 :: 0 :: 0 :: 0 :: 4 :: Nil).map(_.toByte)
data match {
case colorfulPattern((foregroundColor, backgroundColor, pixelsToFill), _) =>
foregroundColor should be(Color(33,21,11))
backgroundColor should be(Color(0, 100, 12))
pixelsToFill should be(4)

so it's pretty easy to define complex structures pretty fast, easy and reusable. The framework also provides possibilities to parse/serialize lists (even of "complex" objects) and optional values.

Just check out the code a GitHub and feel free to use it and contribute to it!

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